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Reproductive Health Webinars

Embark on a journey to understand your body's unique reproductive and sexual health language and needs. Discover a functional nutrition, lifestyle and tantric approach to loving yourself and healing symptoms, empowering your physical wellness and sexual energy.

Are you chronically constipated, sluggish or bloated?


Ever felt that your body is changing in ways you don't comprehend nor have control over? It's likely due to hormonal changes, especially sex, and thyroid hormones levels. They work in tandem with your adrenals, digestive hormones, neurotransmitters and more. Hormonize is a holistic journey that will help you understand what's going in in there and try on a new diet, lifestyle, yoga and discover Tantric sexuality practices to regulate your hormones, reduce stress and live a vibrant life!

  • 14-day meal plan and recipes, superfoods and supplementation  to support hormones metabolism and rebalancing the scales.
  • Zoom Group Yoga Classes  to support detoxficication and regeneration of your body's tissues and organs.
  • Commit to a little more  sleep, rest and relaxation than usual to accelerate healing and the body's natural elimination of toxic waste.
  • Learn and try 5 thousand year old Tantric practices to cultivate and move sexual energy throughout your body for health, vitality and a head-to-toes glow.
  • Education about your body and a community to support you and share your wins with.
If you're looking for an enjoyable, highly effective  and sustainable way of reclaiming sexual and hormonal vitality, energy, slow down aging and begin to reverse the wear and tears of years, this Cleanse is for you.

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Read inspiring stories of change, overcoming health challenges and creating a life you love.

There's no expiration date on feeling sexy

Join the Tantric Awakenings Newsletter

Receive Hormonize Cleanse  recipes every month.

Invited to "live" zoom Tantra and Yoga Classes.

Sign up now and get a 5 Senses Awakening Tantric Pleasure Practice FREE

Intimately connect with your partner.


Articles and Recipes

Fitness, Nutrition, Mindfulness and Health Blogs and Recipes that keep you on your path towards better health, one small step at a time. Motivation is the starting point, knowledge and practice get the job done.