Hormonize is Emma’s nutritional and Tantric integrated approach to health, sex, love and relationships. Bringing into harmony our body’s systems, sex hormones, and life to experience vibrant epic sex and deep connected love is the result of a multi-dimensional (body, emotions, mind and spirit) and bio-individual approach to health. It starts with you and you have all the answers.

MY STORY. Emma is a board-certified holistic health and nutrition coach, a personal trainer, group fitness instructor, and a certified yoga teacher with a sweet spot for Tantra Yoga. She’s also been studying Tantra, Taoism and Sacred Sexuality since 2020 and will complete her Tantric Sex, Love and Relationship certification in 2023.
Her professional development, spanning 25 years, was triggered by 3 personal “rock bottom” moments in her life. 1/ After severely breaking her back as a teenager she turned to weight-lifting to heal naturally; 2/ after a thyroid auto-immune disease diagnostic (Graves Disease and thyroid storm) at age 30, she enrolled in nutrition school to find her own pathway to healing naturally, focused on identifying root causes and imbalances instead of choosing more dire and symptoms-focused options like surgery or radioactive iodine proposed by conventional medicine. She succeeded with a natural recovery; and 3/ after a diagnostic of Ulcerative Colitis at 40, that took her back to the drawing board. It led to her next level of growth where she began her journey into yoga, tantra, meditation. This deepened her understanding of mind-body medicine and integrate emotional, mental and spiritual health as forms of “non-food” nutrition in her life.
Further refining her nutrition and lifestyle, she achieved remission in 4 months. Deeply attuned with herself and her unfolding life path, Emma has been navigating her life and health ups and downs using the same multi-dimensional and bio-individual approach she seeks to share with you. The key to her personal success, though, is not knowledge but taking courageous action.
HORMONIZE COACHING BELIEFS AND PRINCIPLES. Emma’s journey informs her new coaching program. Here are her key beliefs and principles, underpinning Hormonize Coaching:
- What makes you healthy and happy is a bio-individual equation. Your personal trainer, coach, nutritionist, doctor, therapist CANNOT TELL YOU WHAT’S RIGHT FOR YOU. Only YOU know. The best doctor of all is the doctor within you. There is not one way to eat that fits all. Someone’s diet is someone else’s poison. You have to learn to trust yourself and Emma guides people to find what’s true for them at various times in their lives. There are many truths in nutrition!
- For you to know what is really true for you, and not be fooled by illusion, toxic cravings, external beliefs conditioned by parents, culture, media, food industry, etc. you must develop self-awareness of your own physical body, emotional body, mental body and spiritual body. This awakening of your awareness and sensitivity is a practice and it will lead you to hear and trust your intuition. Hormonize Coaching will introduce you to mindfulness tools such as Yoga, Tantra, mindful eating, deep breathing, body scanning, and meditation.
- As you awaken your self-awareness and senses and quite literally come to life, become conscious, your body will gradually want to shift from operating unconsciously under fight-or-flight mode (sympathetic “stressed” nervous system) to operating in a conscious state of relaxation throughout the day (parasympathetic nervous system) and in so doing, your relationship to what nourishes you will change completely, from the foods you eat, to your relationships, your home environment, your work, your self-care routines, etc. Indeed, the body under stress and at rest has different needs.
- If you take courageous action (and action is something Emma will challenge you with), you will gradually find yourself moving to a more authentic and free version of yourself. Your body will begin to heal and re-balance and your whole life will change into a crazier, wilder, more amazing version than what your imagination had even designed in your biggest dreams. I promise you! I’m living it. You cannot foresee how incredible your life can be!
- Emma’s Hormonize Coaching skills will guide you to develop self-awareness around how different foods make you feel. Without asking you to give up the foods you like completely, she will invite you to finding their right place in your overall diet and bring your awareness on what you may be missing. Her goal is to help you find your bio-individual way of eating that is bringing your body back into balance and be the best version of yourself!
- Emma believes that it’s not the food we eat that makes us sick, but what we don’t eat ENOUGH of. She will invite you to identify what’s missing on your plate and in your life. You will experiment with foods that are alive, wholesome, and nutrient-dense, packed with information for your body. You will learn and experience first hand what foods increase circulation (heart and vascular health), increase nerves sensitivity (nerves ending regeneration) and balance your hormones (sex hormones, stress hormones, insulin and thyroid) so that your body can come to life and awakens to its full potential.
- Our physical health is our mental health and our mental health is our physical health. They are one and the same and we cannot separate our wholesome body in parts. Our emotions are nutrition too. You can cultivate the power of positive emotions to heal yourself. Hormonize uses a multi-dimensional approach to health and sex coaching to help you intuitively unearth the most vibrant and confident you.
- The overall state of our health affects the quality of our sex life and our relationships and vice-versa. The quality of our sex and depth of our love (self-love and love in a union) has profound ramifications on our health. Cultivating your sexual energy the Tantric way can transform your physical health, heal your heart and awaken your spirituality.

- The way we show up and do everything in life is the way we show up in the bedroom . Hear me out. If you move through your day in a goal-oriented way, in a forward motion, with a sense of urgency, productive at work going from meeting to meeting, knocking down the to-do list, eating your food quickly, to fuel your body with energy to work and produce, your sex will also be driven by movement, by a goal (orgasm), by a sense of urgency going crescendo, each touch and kiss aiming to get you closer to climax. Does it ring true? Now, enter the realm of conscious living. If you move through your day at a slower pace, anchored in your being (not just your doing) and relaxed in the present moment, very mindful of how you execute the task at hand (not to check the box), engaging all of your senses in the experience, aware of your breath, posture, how the task makes you feel, how it looks, including the way you eat your food – mindful eating – savoring every bite, noticing taste, texture, presentation, smell, you will likely approach love-making in a very different way. Your sex will slow down and tune-in. You will lose yourself in the sensations of your body in every second. There is no goal. There is no forward motion towards orgasm. There’s just being now, in a state of relaxation, not tension. There is only the pleasure NOW, and moving your body in ways that cultivate a greater pleasure for the sake of it using your 5 senses. Sex lasts much longer in a state of relaxation than a state of tension, it lasts for hours and when you decide you’ve had plenty, you consciously end it however feels appropriate (ejaculation, or not – there’s already been multiple full body orgasms for both men and women in the Tantric world) and watching the clock, in shock, you wonder where all this time disappeared?
- Hormonize Coaching will teach you how to reclaim your health, operate in a parasympathetic system and deepen your self-awareness and sensitivity using personalized nutrition that works for you and multi-dimensional lifestyle upgrades. These are foundational skills to enhance your sex, love and relationships. If you want to go beyond food and lifestyle and expand your education and personal exploration to Tantra Yoga and Tantra Sex, Emma’s currently offer the following services:

- Online Tantra Yoga Classes every Saturday morning (you can practice at your leisure with the replay) to awaken physically and spiritually, to develop physical strength, flexibility, practice breath work and various tantra principles.
- Tantric Date Nights – a unique pre-recorded sensual experience for couples to develop their skills as Tantric Lovers. Examples include: Yin practices such as “creating a safe and sensual space for exploration”, and “embodying your emotions and de-armoring your genitals of shame, grief, anger accumulated over the years to reclaim your sexual power and turn-on”, and yang practices like “Nuru massage”, “Tantric massage”, “Lingam/penis massage”, “Yoni/pussy massage”, “Cock sucking and deep-throating like a Goddess”, “Anal pleasure and anal orgasms”, etc.
- One-on-One Coaching: Emma works with private clients on nutrition makeover as well as sex, love and relationship coaching around specific concerns. For instance, if you are a man suffering premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction and want to expand your masturbation pleasure and love-making, if you have difficulty (man or woman) reaching peak pleasure, if sex is painful, overcoming porn addiction, how to reconnect with your partner in the bedroom and synchronize your sexual rhythms (men are fire, quick to turn on and women are water, slower to reach the boiling point, how do both party do their parts to meet in the middle and what are some techniques to practice together)
“LISTEN IN”, Emma’s next Hormonize 6-Week Small Group Coaching Program, launches on January 23rd, 2023. Stay tuned for more information coming out in the next week.
Learn about my Zenberry Venus Sex smoothie recipe!